
Overcame Through God

I had attended Victory Weekend without doing any homework—I merely joined because my Life Group leader asked if I was free to attend. Little did I know, I would experience the greatness of the Lord.

A God who heals
Growing up, I have always experienced irregular menstrual cycles. Sometimes, my period would come only once in two to three months. Other times, it would be on a regular cycle. I remember a friend once told me when I was fourteen that it would be hard for me to conceive in the future. Honestly, I didn't realize that this statement had rooted itself in my mind since then until Victory Weekend, where I shared this with the prayer ministers and they prayed for me. Praise the Lord, it has been more than six months that my menstrual cycle has been regular, and I have not missed any cycles since then.

I trust that He has better plans for me...

A God who has overcome
During Victory Weekend, the prayer ministers also prayed for my career as I was expecting an increment. I was later notified that my increment had been approved, but due to unforeseen circumstances, the company had to put everything on hold, including recruiting new talents and awarding existing employees. There was no deadline given as to when this would be lifted. I was very disappointed. I asked God why this had happened and if it was a sign from Him that I should look for new opportunities. I trust that He has better plans for me, so I prayed for the right door to be opened and for all the doors that are not meant for me to be shut. After a season of praying, I not only managed to secure a new job that offered me a salary higher than my expected salary, but the company which I was working for had also awarded me tokens of appreciation despite the turmoil they were going through. I was rewarded and I found a new job that offered me a better salary!

I am reminded that God is always at work even if, at times, you feel that things are not working in your favor. Be faithful, be patient, and you will see a better and bigger picture—one that you could have never imagined.

Every Nation Church Malaysia

Can We Stand In Faith With You?

If you have a prayer need and would like for someone to stand in faith with you, our team would love to pray for you.

Will You Let Christ Rewrite Your Story?

Ask questions about God and explore a relationship with Him for a brand new life in Christ!

If you have a life-changing story that will encourage others in trying times, share it with us!

A Love That Never Fails

Two years ago, I went through a very difficult divorce. I was lonely, helpless, in shambles and pieces.

He Found Me In My Brokenness

Life is full of challenges, right? Not for me. Not back in 2014. I became a Christian that year and life was smooth sailing. Family was lovely, work was fine, and I even got to pursue my passion for singing (in church). I was really happy.